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Rabu, 03 April 2013

Social Empires Cheat Unit Suprem Bahamut Dragon April 2013

Social Empires Cheat Cash Terbaru 2013
Today I will share cheat Social Empires Suprem Bahamut Dragon, we do not need bother to to get Bahamut Dragon Suprem unit, this cheat 100% working and safe (my account has not yet been banned). We directly to the tools used and the steps.

Tool Used :
  • Cheat Engine (Cheat Engine 6.1 or version above)
  • Your Browser
Steps :
  1. Go to Social Empires
  2. Open Cheat Engine
  3. Select process to open, then select (FlashPlayerPlugin - for firefox) or (chrome.exe - for google chrome)
  4. Change value type to Array of byte
  5. then first scan this code = 00 31 33 39 38 00 00 00 00 00 (Elf Archer Barrack)
  6. click addresses acquired and input into the address list. (click the red arrow)
  7. Then replace the code with this code = 00 32 30 30 33 00 00 00 00 00 (Suprem Bahamut Dragon)
  8. come back to SE then click BUILD and (but do not build Elf Archer Barrack yet)
  9. For more details, see the video below :

  10. Once you have finished the above steps, now we are working to get cash with cheat cash latest 2013 or Cheat Social Empires Cash with Cheat Engine 100% Work
  11. How to : Reload Cheat Engine than Do the cheat above to get cash for free.
  12. Then click buy building Elf Archer Barrack
  13. Congratulaions you get Suprem Bahamut Dragon for free

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By : Admin


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